Automatic sessions in Kakoune

Writing a small wrapper script to automate session management

Update, 16 Sep 2021: this functionality is now included in kks, so I don't use the script provided below anymore.

Kakoune has a client-server architecture, which makes it easy to integrate with other tools.

For example, starting a new session with:

kak -s myproject

... lets you connect a new client to it with:

kak -c myproject

... or send commands to the given client as stdin to the session:

echo eval -client client0 edit | kak -p myproject

This makes integration with other tools possible. For example, you could pick a file in a terminal with fzf and open it in a given client and session with:

fzf | xargs -I {} echo eval -client client0 edit '{}' | kak -p myproject

Doing that by hand is not the way to go, so you would either write scripts for this or just use (kcr), which is a brilliant tool that removes the need to handle all of this manually.

However, the actual management of sessions is still up to the user. Simply running kak my_file will always create a new session to open the given file. With kcr, you can set the context for any command to execute in the relevant session/client, but you still need to create that session upfront.

Most of the time, I ended up having multiple Kakoune windows editing related files in separate, disconnected sessions, because I forgot creating a single session for the project upfront. This makes navigating buffers and overall workflow frustrating.

As a solution, I've been using the following wrapper script (kaks) as a global EDITOR value in shell. It automates session handling based on where it's called:

  • if there is a kcr session in context (KAKOUNE_SESSION is set), it passes the arguments to it, so programs connected with kcr work as expected;
  • if the file is inside git directory, it tries to connect to an existing session based on directory name or creates a new one;
  • otherwise, it just uses the default session, which in my case is automatically started by desktop with the following script: kakdaemon.

Here is the full script (file on GitHub):

# Kakoune wrapper. Used as "EDITOR=kaks".
# Uses kcr ( session, if it exists.
# Otherwise, if inside a git directory, creates or connects to an existing session for it.
# Otherwise, uses the 'default' session, which is started automatically by desktop.

wait_for_session() {
    # Wait for session
    # Grep in quiet mode with fixed strings and whole line switches
    while ! kak -l | grep -q -F -x "$session"; do
        sleep 0.1

kak -clear # clear dead sessions

# if there's a krc session, just use it
if [ -n "$KAKOUNE_SESSION" ]; then
    kcr edit "$@"
# if the file is inside a git dir, try connect to a an existing session based on directory name or create a new one
elif [ "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2> /dev/null)" ]; then
    git_dir=$(basename "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel | tr -d '.')")
    existing_session=$(kak -l | grep "$git_dir")
    [ -z "$existing_session" ] && setsid kak -d -s "$git_dir" &
    wait_for_session "$git_dir"
    kak -c "$git_dir" "$@"
# Otherwise use the 'default' session
    kak -c "default" "$@"

I've been using this setup for a few months and it completely removed the need to manually handle sessions in my case.

Every time I start working on a git-tracked project or open a file inside it from terminal, the correct session is selected or created automatically.